
LANPAC support's various crime prevention and community safety projects throughout Lancashire submitted by the local police on behalf of the community. Please see a selection of projects that we have supported.

TrueCall Device

Courier fraud is a particularly nasty crime that generally targets the elderly, some of our most vulnerable members of Lancashire…

Kirkham Companions

Working in partnership with LANPAC, Fylde Borough Council and the AFC Community Foundation we have offered a two hour weekly…

Romance Fraud Awareness

This project is in relation to a prevent advert the Economic Crime Unit put out to Jam Publications Preston magazines…

Bike Coding Skills

Blackpool and Fylde cadets secured funding from LanPac to purchase bike coding equipment from Selectamark. They were able to buy…

Operation Engage

OP ENGAGE, consisted of four days throughout August where PC Dave Cleal and Karen took youths who were “known” to…

Summer Kicks

PC Paul Pountain and PCSO Yvonne Thistlethwaite was successful in getting funding for their ” Summer Kicks Project” which was…

Shopwatch Radio Scheme

The Shopwatch Radio Scheme provided and restored a better community link between the stores, Police and staff at the CCTV…

Belong Project

This is a mix between diversionary activities and engagement opportunities with young people. Using the Belong gaming arena participants referred…

The Dot Peen System

The Dot Peen system is a modern day property marking service which involves the use of a tungsten carbide-tipped pin to…