Lancashire Partnership Against Crime (LANPAC) is a unique collaboration between Lancashire Constabulary, Lancashire Businesses and Public Services working together to reduce levels of crime and disorder across the county. The Partnership is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee and its primary role is to support various crime prevention and community safety schemes throughout Lancashire submitted by the local police on behalf of the community.

A Board of Directors drawn from our partners in the public, private and voluntary sectors allocate grants to enable police officers around the county to operate local crime reduction initiatives that would not otherwise have been affordable.

On average, our work allows one new crime reduction project to begin almost every week – protecting the vulnerable elderly, tackling crime, drug abuse, street robbery and burglary, making people feel safer on the streets and in their homes, as well as providing a wide range of educational services and recreational opportunities to help our young people lead safe, productive lives. Often, when time is pressing, we are able to assess the application and allocate funds immediately, resulting in an immediate impact on the particular problem.

Our Funding

LANPAC has gone from strength to strength with over a £4 million being allocated towards projects county-wide, providing a significant addition to community safety and prosperity and making a real difference to the community of Lancashire.

Funds are raised through various activities and our membership fees from our members. LANPAC members represent the complete spectrum of Lancashire’s businesses and public services, including the police, local authorities, national companies with branches in the county, small local firms, places of worship and even sole traders. No organisation is too large or small and our graduated system of membership fees is designed to ensure that no one is excluded.

We believe that our members exemplify the best of Lancashire, people who understand the importance of corporate social responsibility and its growing impact, both on their working environment and the way they themselves are perceived by their customers.

Our Vision

Through supporting the work of Lancashire Constabulary, we will prevent crime and keep our communities, businesses and the people of Lancashire safe.

Our Mission

To provide timely and practical support to Lancashire Constabulary’s efforts to reduce levels of crime and disorder to make the county a better place which to live, work and do business.

Our Objectives

Working in partnership with Lancashire Constabulary and Lancashire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, we aim to promote the protection of people and property and the prevention of criminal acts by: 

  • Encouraging greater public participation in the prevention and solution of crime.
  • Assisting in measures designed to reduce the level of crime and antisocial behaviour.
  • Providing education information and practical assistance on crime prevention.
  • Raising funds and receiving contributions to support initiatives that address the priorities set out in the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Crime Plan.

Our Members

The support of our members is vital to our success. We encourage partnership working and match funding. As a result, this has multiplied our initial outlay fourfold, so that, in real terms, for every £400 donated to LANPAC in the form of a membership fee, it is in reality worth £1,600 to our charity.